Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week Six, Thing Thirteen

I can certainly see advantages to Just speaking for me as an individual, I have three computers that I regularly use: my desktop, my school desktop, and my laptop. Although all my personal bookmarks are on my home desktop, I utilize all three computers for lesson planning and assignment creation, and I am constantly confused as to which computer has which bookmarks saved. Up till now, the way I have worked around this has been to email useful links to myself, and then bookmark them on each of my three computers. There are MANY more useful things I could be doing with my time, so I think I may explore further, at least for my teaching-related bookmarks. I don't often bookmark things for my life outside the classroom, so I don't think I would see a use otherwise.

I am considering using this tool instead of the Rollyo search roll I created when my students conduct their might be easier to direct them to a set of bookmarks rather than a site-specific search engine...I have over a month until I had planned to implement the lesson, so I have some time to continue experimenting before I make my decision.

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